SFC (ret.) Joseph (Joe) Healey
SFC (R) Joseph (Joe) Healey hails from Woonsocket, Rhode Island, and entered the Army in 1994 as an Infantryman. SFC (R) Healey performed in various positions of distinction during his 21 years of service to our nation.
SFC Joseph Healey
His duties included serving as Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with the 3rd US. Infantry (The Old Guard) in Arlington National Cemetery, as Opposing Forces (OPFOR) at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), Ft Polk, LA, and lastly, as a Special Forces Medical Sergeant (Green Beret) with the 3rd Special Forces Group (A) (SFG), Ft. Bragg, NC.
As a Green Beret, Joe's combat experience is extensive; he deployed nine times to support Operation Enduring Freedom. Joe was also a first responder at the Pentagon on 9/11. Joe’s awards include but are not limited to four Bronze Stars, a Purple Heart, and three awards for valorous actions in combat.
SFC Healey was medically retired in 2015 due to TBI (traumatic brain injury) complications and combat injuries caused by a helicopter crash landing on his head in Afghanistan. After retirement, SFC (R) Healey experienced sizable difficulties transitioning into civilian society. With the help of medical treatment at the NICoE in Bethesda, Maryland, and the love of his two sons - Joe is making inspiring progress. Rangers lead the way!
The Faces of Valor USA enthusiastically supports Joe's progress and forward momentum! Through donations, the Faces of Valor USA will be paying off Joe's current vehicle to help him continue on the path forward to mental, physical, and financial health.
Sgt. William Congleton
Sgt. William Congleton served in the U.S. Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve from 1998 to 2003 and the Army National Guard from 2003 to 2006. On June 23, 2004, Congleton was on patrol with his unit when his vehicle hit an IED.
Sgt. William Congleton
William sustained numerous injuries in the attack. He shattered the L-3 vertebrae, resulting in severe paralysis in his left leg; a broken jaw; shrapnel to the left eye, which took years to heal and left a permanent blind spot; a head injury resulting in cognitive impairment; left ankle broken and heel shattered; right leg shattered so severely it required amputation.
William currently receives treatment at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The Faces of Valor USA will install side steps and hand controls to his current vehicle. This will allow William to safely enter, exit, and drive his car.
Sgt (ret.) Marco Robledo

Sgt (ret.) Marco Robledo. I’m 38 years old.
I was deployed to Iraq with the 875th Engineer Battalion of Jonesboro, Arkansas, and was stationed in LSA Anaconda, Iraq.
Sgt. Marco Robledo
On May 26, 2007, my truck was struck by an improvised explosive device (IED.)
It was our job to sweep the main supply routes of roadside bombs and help lower the number of casualties to US and coalition forces. I was a machine gunner of the Humvee and sustained life-altering injuries because of the blast. The explosion was so catastrophic it killed my driver instantly.
Shortly after the attack, we were ambushed, and my platoon had to fight off the enemy with the use of air support while trying to render first aid. I was immobilized and suffered 2nd-degree burns, but it wasn’t until three days later that I woke up in a hospital bed and found out I had lost my left arm above the elbow and left leg above the knee.
After being injured overseas, I spent two years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where I learned to walk and live independently. Fast forward a few years to the present day, I started a career and worked on cars as my favorite pastime, but more importantly, I’ve learned to rehabilitate and adjust to this new way of life.
I realize my life will never be the same, but it’s not supposed to be. I’m still on my path to fulfillment and self-discovery. One of the things I enjoy doing is overcoming new challenges, which is why I favor working on cars. I love turning wrenches and learning new skill sets. My sole belief is that the only actual disability is a negative mindset, and the most significant project we’ll ever work on is ourselves.
Faces of Valor USA will be Painting a 1998 Civic Hatch back that is Marco’s dream car that is building himself and will be his everyday car.
SSGT (ret.) Frank M. Laguna

SSGT Frank M. Laguna (Retired) enlisted in 1996. He served in the United States Marines Corps and Army for 18 years. Frank is a combat veteran of the Iraqi War.
Sgt. William Congleton
Frank is the father of four beautiful children: Allysium (21), an Active-Duty United States Navy Seabee, Antonio (17), Alejandro (13), and Aunabella (11).
Frank was injured in 2003 while serving in Iraq but did not seek adequate medical care for several years. Like so many of America’s servicemen and women, Frank allowed the injuries to go unaddressed and continued serving through pain and weakness. In 2010, during Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) training, Frank’s untreated injuries caused a “perfect storm,” and he shattered an already weakened vertebrae and herniated several discs. Frank has required numerous surgeries, a spinal fusion, and aggressive rehabilitation to regain functional mobility. Frank alternates between walking with specialized assistive devices and his wheelchair, depending on the level of pain and weakness he is experiencing each day. Frank is currently pending four more surgeries to maintain and improve mobility.
Frank struggles silently with several “invisible” wounds. He endures constant and intense chronic pain, the effects of an mTBI (mild traumatic brain injury), severe migraines, temperature regulation impairment, ulnar nerve damage, neuropathy, residuals of failed back surgeries, and a neurological condition that causes severe muscular cramping. While Frank has faced his own medical complications, he also helps his medically fragile son, Antonio, face a rare and life-stealing condition called ROHHAD syndrome. While life is unpredictable, frequently complicated, and increasingly painful - Frank faces each day with the love and support of his dedicated wife, Candace, and his four children.
To support SSGT Laguna’s current transportation needs, Faces of Valor USA is donating $15,000.00 towards his new handy cap vehicle